
13 Ancient Symbols

Did you know that these very so called evil or devil symbols can be found in your environment, hidden in signs of neighborhood stores you shop in and spend your hard earned money in almost everyday.  We have been taught to fear these symbols almost all of our lives and why?  If we can spend our money in the places that use them to attract us to them, then maybe we shouldn't be afraid to learn what they really stand for and make a decision on whether we would even want to utilize them in our own lives.  Fear is what blocks us from accessing all the many aspects of God.  The less you fear anything and become aware of their true nature, the freer you are and that goes for anything, symbols, people, certain books, etc.  It is up to the individual on how they decide to utilize the information they are given.  We have been taught that, certain things are forbidden to protect us from hurting ourselves or some else.  The more intimate my relationship with God gets, the more I learn that some important information was hidden from me for two reasons:
1) Because I wasn't ready to accept the truth about it or to realize the truth about it yet (that's ok, I can accept that, I mean you don't feed a two week old steak and potatoes, LOL) and

2) Because someone else liked having or knowing more than me (and probably because they were taking my money - LOL - NO JUGDEMENT)

I don't hide any spiritual knowledge or wisdom I have learned.  If someone asks me a question, I do my best to answer them, as long as they can understand that my answer is based on what's true for me.  My truth can be different from your truth because we don't really know what the truth is.  There are billions of people on this planet living in different dimensions, the bible says that.  The Bible also says to seek knowledge.  If you are fearful of any of the above symbols that is False Evidence Appearing Real...

Click Here - Find out the Truth behind these symbols and a little on how they can help you in a short, but informative video.

Symbol #1 - The Ankh


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