
Tapping Into Abundance

I'm not sure if you've heard about the Rock Star Queen of EFT Margaret Lynch, but you should look her up.  I purchased her book Tapping into Wealth last September and finally got around to reading it.  I'm almost done and I give it two thumbs up.  In her book, she talks about the many limiting beliefs that we all have that keep us from accomplishing the things we truly desire or cause us to go through a lot of unnecessary bs, if we are blessed to achieve the goals we set out to attain.  The book walks you through scripts that help you to dig up those nasty hidden emotions that block your money in an easy and effectual way.  She is so clear and so inspirational, I know that if you read it, you would want to utilize it as well.  EFT is sort of like acupuncture without the needles, a great technique for spiritual people who don't quite yet have a deep and intimate relationship with the inner Self or The Creator of Creation, God.  It is an in the moment technique, that anyone can benefit from, even kids.  Margaret has tons of free videos on You Tube, so if you have time, take a look at them and begin tapping your way into your divinely ordained fortune today.


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