
The Misunderstanding between the Caduceus & the Rod of Asclepius icons


Now I am up to symbol #3 of the 13 symbols of ancient power the Caduceus icon and well, I am very shocked to find out the information I have just learned.  The Caduceus symbol, a symbol of fertility, commerce and trade is not evil, occultic or negative at all.  However, the way it is being used today in modern day medicine is a little insulting. 

Professional associations are more likely to have a real understanding of the two symbols and would opt to use the Asclepius icon, while commercial organizations, "so called not having an understanding of the difference in these two symbols", would choose to take advantage of the Caduceus icon because of the visual impact it would have towards marketing and selling products and services - unbelievable!  The Caduceus, historically associated with commerce, is considered to be inappropriate by those engaged in the healing arts, because of Hermes' patriotism to commerce and desire to mainly gain money, which is far from the integrity and passion towards helping and aiding humankind the healing practitioner possesses.  Most medical professionals considered Hermes to be merely a traveling salesman.  

Click Here - to read more about the difference between the Caduceus/Asclepius

The Hamsa Amulet - Fertility and Protection

Ok, this post is about symbol #2 of the 13 symbols I have had the pleasure of researching, The Hamsa Amulet.  In my research I found out that this symbol is in no way satanic, nor occultic and also that it is not entirely held in Muslim belief only.  Muslims call the symbol the "Hand of Fatima", Jews call it the "Hand of Miriam" Moses' sister, while the Christians call it the "Hand of Mary", believing it to be a protective charm against the "evil eye".  I remember seeing this symbol all over the place, especially in the jewelry that my Christian family members wore.  Today, you will see it on mobile phones, car bumper stickers, hung on walls and so much more.  However, most of us have no idea what it means or where it comes from.  Here's a brief post of what I found out about this symbol that happens to be no secret at all and nor is it used in the hidden practices.  It is a symbol of protection and fertility used by many people, practicing different faiths all over.  Very interesting information!

Click Here - to read more information about The Hamsa Amulet.

The Ankh - A Sacred Ancient Symbol of Egypt

I first learned about the Ankh symbol when I began my study and practice of the Sacred teachings in Khamitic Nubian Philosophy.  The reference book I used was Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Mind, Body & Spirit by Queen Afua.  Now to make things a little clearer, I practice Christianity and I love Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  My dad raised my sisters and I in the church, with the basic non-denominational teachings of the bible and showed us how to utilize it in a way that I know that most other Christians have not yet experienced.  My dad did his work, studied his bible and taught his children how to move mountains with their faith.  For a long time it worked and was sufficient for me, until I moved out of his home.  Once I left my dads house, everything changed.  I had to stand on my own two feet.  My dad is a big believer that if you raise a child up in a certain way, they will never part from it.  So, no I did not part from my bible and I have no intention on it.  I began to dive deeper.  The deeper I went, the more confused I got about Christianity and what was going on in the church.  When I started to seek the truth and knowledge, I began to fall into the company of very spiritual people who were taught way more than I had known about the bible and they weren't even Christians.  I received my Ankh as a gift from someone I didn't know and since then I have been wearing it everyday.  But this post isn't about my journey, it's about the Ankh.  The real reason I had picked up the book in the book store was because I had opened it up and saw different exercises and diets and healing I decided that, hey since I want to lose weight, get in shape, and be healthy, I might as well do it whole mind, body and spirit, the holistic way.  I had no idea what I was about to learn concerning being a woman and a black woman at that, let alone what it meant to truthfully be spiritual.  I am still on my journey and the more I learn, the more fun I have.  So now let's talk about the Ankh.  

Click Here - to learn more about the Ancient Symbol the Ankh.

These are two books that have helped me, that I still use today, as I journey through my life learning to master my soul with ease, fun and enjoyment!


Tapping Into Abundance

I'm not sure if you've heard about the Rock Star Queen of EFT Margaret Lynch, but you should look her up.  I purchased her book Tapping into Wealth last September and finally got around to reading it.  I'm almost done and I give it two thumbs up.  In her book, she talks about the many limiting beliefs that we all have that keep us from accomplishing the things we truly desire or cause us to go through a lot of unnecessary bs, if we are blessed to achieve the goals we set out to attain.  The book walks you through scripts that help you to dig up those nasty hidden emotions that block your money in an easy and effectual way.  She is so clear and so inspirational, I know that if you read it, you would want to utilize it as well.  EFT is sort of like acupuncture without the needles, a great technique for spiritual people who don't quite yet have a deep and intimate relationship with the inner Self or The Creator of Creation, God.  It is an in the moment technique, that anyone can benefit from, even kids.  Margaret has tons of free videos on You Tube, so if you have time, take a look at them and begin tapping your way into your divinely ordained fortune today.


Create a Spiritual Vacuum

During my morning spiritual practice, I performed an Angel Card Reading.  I like to mix decks up, so I usually use these three particular decks when I do a reading like this:


Card 2 - Present

"You and your loved ones are safe

and spiritually protected."

Card 1 - Past

"Caution is warranted.  Look deeper into

this situation before proceeding further"

I shouldn't say mix them up.  I usually do a three card spread.  I would shuffle the cards, each deck of its own kind individually and then choose the card on top of the decks in the order exactly as show, respectively above.  Usually when performing a three card spread, the first card would represent the past, the middle card would represent the present and the last card would represent the future.  So, I would use my Messages from Your Angels Deck for the past, to see what lesson my angels were teaching or sending me.  Then I would use the Goddess Cards to see what is going on presently as a result of what I have been experiencing.  Lastly, the Angel Tarot Cards to see what's next.  This is all intuitive and depends on your intention.  The cards are merely revealing where you are in your thinking and what could possibly occur if you continue to think about or focus on whatever it is that you are demonstrating and they are usually very accurate.  You may decide to use your decks and spread differently and there is no right or wrong way to do this.  I decided to share my reading today, because it really made me feel happy.  It seems that I have finally made a break through in my life, after struggling for the past month for clarity and wholeness.  So here's what I got:  For the past month or so, I have been creating a vacuum.  (Click here for more information on exactly what a vacuum is 'nature abhors a vacuum'.) 

Card 3 - Future

"You are ready! You have the resources

or the ability to manifest them.

Life is Magical."

When you want to create a vacuum, I think that it is very important to express all your feelings as they come up.  Be in the moment with your prayers and emotions.  Write down or say out loud exactly what it is that is on your mind, no matter what it may be.  Be honest with yourself when expressing your emotions, because this will help you to either release it, if it is a negative emotion and then gain control of it; or to build up the momentum of it, if it is a positive emotion.  That's why it is a good idea to be around people who are spiritually stronger than you are or hook up with a Life Coach or some kind of fellowship group.  You can even ask God, your Higher Self and/or your Angels to lead you to the right person or group that can help you.  Most likely, they will be able to be empathetic to your feelings towards whatever you are experiencing and help you in guiding your thoughts back into alignment with who you really are because they have would have already experienced it.  Be careful who you express your feelings to though.  You can't tell everyone your business.  Even in my own life experiences, I have learned, there are some things I can talk to my mom about, some things I can talk to my dad about, some things I can share with my son, some things I can talk to my grandparents about and some things that I can not.  My boyfriend is someone, I feel, that I can talk to about anything.  Some things I choose not to talk to him about, because he's not as spiritually grounded as I am, so he can't help with every issue I may have, but he does have what some people don't, the instincts to think quickly in a jam and common sense.  But most of the time, I can talk to him and he usually makes me feel much better if he can.  Our children can help with ease in bringing us back to who we really are, because they are pure vessels.  God protects the innocent and dumb, so if you have a close relationship with your child, like I do with my son, they can be excellent co-operative components in whatever you are desiring to create or demonstrate or manifest.  They will give you honest answers, because your angels can channel messages into their thoughts to help you.  My son and I have been doing this ever since he was younger and began to speak in full sentences.  My parents used me as tool to help them with their thoughts when I was a child and still do today, but not as much.  I talk to him about what is going on inside my mind, within reason to the subject of the matter, of course.  I ask him for his opinion and he lovingly gives it to me without judgment or ulterior motives.  This has gotten much easier, since he has grown older, because he is more attentive to the process and enjoys feeling like he's apart of the decisions I make in my life.  Life Coaches can help you if you are aiming to achieve a specific goal, but don't forget that they charge, so you should be financially ready to commit if you decide to request their services.  But in the end the decision is really up to you and your soul.

I Think I'll Go Home Now - A Nighttime Prayer

For the past three years, my life has been up and down, round and round.  A constant stream of in and out, falling asleep and waking up again.  Through it all I must confess, that God has always been by my side.  Even through the penny less days, lonely and sleepless nights, river of tears, futile arguments with my peers, facing my darkest demons and even homelessness, God was always there.  The people in my life saw God with me, even when I didn't and I found that special.  That's why I decided that I am Favored.  God favored me, even when I didn't believe it and yet I still ran from him.  I was watching a morning internet show that I have grown to love over this past year.  The host, my elder told me to drink my own elixir.  At first it hurt, because I thought I was drinking my own elixir.  I thought that my roller coaster life was how it had to be for me to live the life and be who I thought I truly wanted to be.  I am so happy that she has inspired me to Go Back Home!  But what I think she doesn't know is that if all that I've been through and all that I fought for and all that has occurred, never had to be, she never would have met me and been a light to help me.  I truly love her.  Valerie Love, I Think I'll Go Home Now!

Click this link to view my nighttime prayer - I Think I'll Go Home Now