
Mastering The Art of Balance


The word "balance" has a few meanings...The definition I will be discussing is defined as being able to remain upright and walk gracefully, or a state of equality, an emotionally and mentally stable mind.

**An example of balance is when a person divides his time evenly between work, family, and personal pleasure.

Something I have struggled with for years, has been maintain the balance between my own personal well-being, fun, family and work.  I am able to see the beauty of synchronicity in my life and sometimes that could be found in the mist of all the chaos, but remaining balanced for a significant amount of time has really been a tussle for me.  I really like to get up early in the morning, pray, exercise and meditate.  This was much easier for me to maintain when I was working regular JOB (just over broke).  But ever since I have become self-employed it has become a toil.  Sometimes, I allow myself to get too busy with work, which always whines up with me feeling unclear and un-grounded.  Lately, I have been taking stock of those past actions that have resulted in my life becoming out of equilibrium.  I have made a personal decision that I must get up early, perform my spiritual practices, meditate and exercise because these are things that I enjoy doing and they keep me focused.  In fact, my spirit longs for this everyday because these healthy activities keep my energy high.  When my energy drops below 500, I feel terrible and sometimes cause others around me to feel that way as well, because they are used to me being on that high flying disk of Love or Above (500 or higher).


Here's what I do when I feel un-grounded, un-focused, or like things are out of whack - (too much mind chatter)....


First, I call upon Archangel Gabriel and ask him for assistance in creating inner harmony and I would then take a few breaths until I feel completely calm and relaxed, as much as I possibly can.  Then I'd perform EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.  All you do is tap on certain pressure points along your head, face, neck and body to free up blockages in your energy system, so that they operate more beneficial for you.  This is a form of acupuncture without the needles and I love it.  It may look funny and weird, but it works.  There are lot's of wealthy and successful people practicing this technique, that you couldn't even guess.  It's easy, quick and effective and most importantly it's FUN!  There are tons of professional instructors out there that are effectual at this technique...I really like Margaret Lynch, Brad Yates, David Childrey, just to name some off the top of my head.  I have been following them for a few years.  But even though I'm not a professional certified trainer of EFT, I like creating my own scripts.  To me, EFT is a wonderful stress reliever.  It helps you to get clarity on the areas you would like to see changed in your life gently.  I have attached a script for creating inner peace that I use when my yin-yang moves out balance located on the side bar.  It was inspired by Iyanla Vanzant's book One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (click the title), which I use along with my bible.  This book is like my second bible.  If you would like to see a copy of the book click on the title or click the book link on the side bar.  Here's a great you tube video that teaches the primary tapping points.  Enjoy!


Would you like to see a video on the EFT tapping points?  CLICK HERE


Since I have already read and performed the 40 day processes, I am going to change it up a little and I invite others to join me as well, if they like.  I will practice this principle for 30 days straight.  I would really like for this to penetrate all the layers of my being, so I am going to fuse it with Angel Therapy and EFT.  If you are not familiar with EFT there are tons of professionals on youtube who are great at teaching this technique.  I have uploaded a beginners video at the end of this text for those who would like to know what its all about.  If you don't have the book yet, you can just use my prayer and script to get a feel of what to look forward to once you get your hands on this wonderful tool.  It's like my second bible now.


Best Time to Perform Rituals

The best hours to perform this process is between the hours of 3 am to 6 am, if possible.  Those of us who practice Christianity know that this is when Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ performed his spiritual practices.  Some people would call this time "the witching hours".  This is the time when it is the most easiest to spiritually secure your day.  These are the most powerful hours of your day, so it is easier to bring your spiritual body into balance and healing, which will dramatically and beneficially effect your physical body and life.  I will tell you more about the blessed gift of time in a latter.  For now, I would like for you to get your hands on a journal.  


Journal Writing

Pick a journal that truly resonates with the desired experience you would want to have with the principle of balance.  Your journal will contain your thoughts, your inner feelings and emotions, so you should choose one that you would enjoy writing in and even carrying around with you if you wanted to.  Get a pen that you like writing with.  This is also an important part of your process.  Your pen and journal will be used as tools now, so you should choose writing utensils that assist in the free movement of your creativity.  Test the pen out.  How does the ink look on the paper in your hand writing?  You might even want to write in a specific color, so get different colors, such as red, green, purple, yellow and orange, aside from the usual blue and black inks. Then you can associate the colors with your moods.  Our spirituality should be taken seriously, however we were sent to this time, space and reality to find out how we can enjoy living in this physical world.  Take your time in choosing your tools and unleash the magic hidden deep within you, like a musician choosing the perfect instrument or music notes for the song in his heart.



When you wake up in the morning, move slowly.  Don't rush right out of bed.  When the alarm rings, with appreciation open your eyes.  Sit up and take a few deep breaths in and out, slowly and deeply.  Appreciate the air flowing through your lungs.  Then drink at least 8 oz of water.  You can then take a shower or bath and get dressed.  Incorporate this process being taught in the book into your regular spiritual practice if you have one.  If you don't have one, that's okay.  I will post a sample of my morning spiritual practice and other rituals I perform later.  For now, you can use this as your morning spiritual practice or use the one prescribed in the book I mentioned earlier.  When you are ready to perform the practice, be in a quiet place alone.  Take 7 deep, slow breaths before you begin.  If you have the book, read the commentary and answer the questions in the book.  If you don't have the book yet, that's ok, I'm gonna teach you a technique I just learned.  It's called ask the right question.  Before you say the prayer and perform the EFT technique.  Ask yourself these questions:  Why am I so balanced?  Why do I divide my time evenly between work, family, and personal please with ease, fun and enjoyment?  Why am I having fun and enjoying mastering the The Art of Balance?

Perform the EFT Technique for Balance and then say the Archangel Gabriel Prayer in these links!

Let me know what you think and/or how this practice has helped you.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!  Be favored!  Namaste!